Elizabeth d'Anjou

Elizabeth d’Anjou is a freelance editor and instructor based in Ontario, Canada.
An engaging and informative presenter, she has taught dozens of seminars on a range of topics for editors’ groups across the country, as well as for universities, nonprofit organizations, corporate communications departments, and government departments. Many are repeat customers. Elizabeth is also an instructor and course creator for Ryerson University’s Publishing Programme. As an editor, Elizabeth has over 20 years of experience working with a diverse clientèle, including textbook publishers, government ministries and nonprofit agencies. Her particular strengths include careful copy editing, translating jargon into accessible prose, and adjusting language level, including plain-language editing and consulting. A third-generation editor, she has converted many authors who were resistant to being edited into fans of the editorial process. She has served twice on Editors Canada’s National Executive Council and is currently coordinator of Editors Kingston. Elizabeth d’Anjou elizabeth@danjou.ca 613-476-3087